Dr. Francis T. Hall

ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Specialist Head and Neck Surgeon

MB ChB 1986 Otago; FRACS 1998; ABOHNS 2003

Dr. Francis Hall is a veteran Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist based in Auckand, New Zealand and is currently the Head of the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery at Counties Manukau DHB. At the heart of Dr. Hall’s practice is ensuring that each and every one of his patients are treated with compassion and are cared for throughout their entire patient journey. 

Dr. Hall brings home to New Zealand, years of international experience gained in Australia, Canada and the United States. Areas of expertise and interest include head and neck cancer surgery, transoral robotic surgery (TORS), thyroid and parathyroid surgery, neck ultrasound, sialoendoscopy and general ENT surgery. 

弗朗西斯·霍爾顧問醫生 / 弗朗西斯·霍尔顾问医生

耳鼻喉專科醫生及 頭頸外科醫生
MB ChB 1986 Otago大學; 澳洲皇家外科醫學院院士 1998; 美國耳鼻喉科 – 頭頸外科學會資格 2003

耳鼻喉专科医生及 头颈外科医生
MB ChB 1986 Otago大学; 澳洲皇家外科医学院院士 1998; 美国耳鼻喉科 – 头颈外科学会资格 2003

Medical History

Dr. Hall graduated from the University of Otago Medical School in 1986. He completed advanced training in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery and was made a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 1998.  

He then completed three separate fellowships in Head and Neck Surgery:

•   2000:  Head and Neck Surgery with Dr. Chris O’Brien at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

•   2000 – 2001: Skull base surgery and transoral laser surgery with Dr. Bernie Lyons at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. 

•   2001 – 2003: American Head and Neck Society Fellowship with Dr. Patrick Gullane, Dr. Ralph Gilbert and Dr. Jeremy Freeman in Head and Neck Surgery, Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery and Microvascular Reconstruction at the University Health Network in Toronto, Canada.

While in Canada he passed the American Board of Otolaryngology exam and become a diplomate of the American Board of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (ABOHNS), he is “Board Certified”. Being board certified (ABOHNS) in America is the equivalent of FRACS in New Zealand. He is one of a very few New Zealand ENT surgeons who has the ABOHNS qualification.  

• 2000年:在澳洲悉尼皇家亞伯特醫院與克里斯·奧布萊恩醫生共同進行頭頸外科研究。
• 2000至2001年:在澳洲墨爾本聖文森醫院與伯尼·萊恩醫生合作,研究顱底手術及經口激光手術。
• 2001至2003年:在加拿大多倫多大學健康網絡與帕特里克·古蘭醫生、拉爾夫·吉爾伯特醫生和傑里米·弗里曼醫生合作,進行頭頸外科、甲狀腺及副甲狀腺外科手術及微血管重建研究。
在加拿大期間,他通過了美國耳鼻喉科醫學委員會的考試,並成為美國耳鼻喉科頭頸外科醫學委員會(ABOHNS)認證的專科醫生,這一認證在美國被視為等同於新西蘭的澳洲皇家外科醫學院院士(FRACS)資格。他是少數擁有美國耳鼻喉科 – 頭頸外科學會資格(ABOHNS)的新西蘭耳鼻喉科醫生之一。

Soon after, Dr. Hall returned to New Zealand and worked at Wellington and Hutt Hospitals for seven years. In 2008, Francis became the first surgeon in New Zealand to perform sialoendoscopy and presented his first two years of results at the New Zealand Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (NZSOHNS) annual scientific meeting in 2010 

He then moved to Detroit, USA and worked at Henry Ford Hospital for five years. While working as a surgeon at Henry Ford, he was selected to train in robotic surgery and gained a vast amount of experience in transoral robotic surgery (TORS). He brought this experience back with him to New Zealand in 2016. In 2016, along with his colleague Dr. Andrew Cho, the pair became the first surgeons in New Zealand to perform transoral robotic surgery. They also persuaded Southern Cross Health Insurance to fund transoral robotic surgery for cancer of the tonsil and tongue base. Since then, he has appeared on television on two occasions highlighting the advantages of TORS.  

Such breadth of experience from looking after patients with head and neck conditions in four different countries (NZ, Australia, Canada and America) means that Dr. Hall can treat his patients as individuals and tailor their treatment to their specific needs. He is a high-volume experienced head and neck surgeon who enjoys all aspects of head and neck surgery, from the initial assessment, the operation to following-up on his patients post-treatment.  

When you come for a consultation with Dr. Francis Hall, you can expect Francis to take the time to explain your (or your child’s) condition and the different options available, allowing you make to make an informed treatment choice. 






• 2000年:在澳洲悉尼皇家亚伯特医院与克里斯·奥布莱恩医生共同进行头颈外科研究。
• 2000至2001年:在澳洲墨尔本圣文森医院与伯尼·莱恩医生合作,研究颅底手术及经口激光手术。
• 2001至2003年:在加拿大多伦多大学健康网络与帕特里克·古兰医生、拉尔夫·吉尔伯特医生和杰里米·弗里曼医生合作,进行头颈外科、甲状腺及副甲状腺外科手术及微血管重建研究。

在加拿大期间,他通过了美国耳鼻喉科医学委员会的考试,并成为美国耳鼻喉科头颈外科医学委员会(ABOHNS)认证的专科医生,这一认证在美国被视为等同于新西兰的澳洲皇家外科医学院院士(FRACS)资格。他是少数拥有美国耳鼻喉科 – 头颈外科学会资格(ABOHNS)的新西兰耳鼻喉科医生之一。



Awards and Notable Achievements

  • Wilson-Allison Memorial Award in Clinical Dermatology 
  • 2nd Place in the Australasian Medical Protection Society Competition 
  • Hour Detriot Top Doctor in 2013, 2014 and 2015. 
  • First New Zealander to be accepted for the American Head and Neck Society fellowship programme 
  • First surgeon in New Zealand to perform sialoendoscopy and presented his first two years of results at the New Zealand Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (NZSOHNS). 
  • Alongside his colleague Dr. Andrew Cho, the pair became the first surgeons in New Zealand to perform transoral robotic surgery (TORS). 
  • Research and Clinical Papers While working in Canada Dr. Hall conducted translational research in Thyroid Cancer. In America, he conducted translational research in parathyroid glands succeeding in growing parathyroid cells in the laboratory. Francis has presented at academic scientific meetings in New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Canada and America. He has numerous publications in international peer review journals and has written several book chapters and edited a whole section on sinonasal cancer in a 2016 book (Surgical Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery).    
獎項與卓越成就 • 臨床皮膚病學威爾遜-艾利森紀念獎 • 澳大利亞醫學保障協會比賽第二名 • 2013、2014及2015年底特律頂級醫生 • 新西蘭首位被美國頭頸外科學會接受的專科醫生 • 新西蘭首位進行唾液腺內視鏡檢查的外科醫生,並在新西蘭耳鼻喉頭頸外科學會年會上展示了其前兩年的成果 • 與同事曹颖智醫生共同成為新西蘭首批進行經口機器手術(TORS)的外科醫生

研究與臨床論文 在加拿大工作期間,霍爾醫生進行了甲狀腺癌的轉譯研究。在美國,他進行了副甲狀腺細胞生長的轉譯研究,成功在實驗室中培養了副甲狀腺細胞。霍爾醫生曾在新西蘭、澳洲、香港、加拿大和美國的學術會議上發表過演講,並在國際同行評審的期刊上發表了大量文章,還編寫了幾本書的章節,包括在2016年《耳鼻喉外科手術技術-頭頸外科》一書中編輯了有關鼻竇癌的整個章節。

奖项与卓越成就 • 临床皮肤病学威尔逊-艾利森纪念奖 • 澳大利亚医学保障协会比赛第二名 • 2013、2014及2015年底特律顶级医生 • 新西兰首位被美国头颈外科学会接受的专科医生 • 新西兰首位进行唾液腺内窥镜检查的外科医生,并在新西兰耳鼻喉头颈外科学会年会上展示了其前两年的成果 • 与同事曹颖智医生共同成为新西兰首批进行经口机器人手术(TORS)的外科医生 一般耳鼻喉科手術。



研究与临床论文 在加拿大工作期间,霍尔医生进行了甲状腺癌的转译研究。在美国,他进行了副甲状腺细胞生长的转译研究,成功在实验室中培养了副甲状腺细胞。霍尔医生曾在新西兰、澳洲、香港、加拿大和美国的学术会议上发表过演讲,并在国际同行评审的期刊上发表了大量文章,还编写了几本书的章节,包括在2016年《耳鼻喉外科手术技术-头颈外科》一书中编辑了有关鼻窦癌的整个章节。

Meet the Team

Dr. Fiona Russell

Specialist Anaesthetist

MBChB Dundee Scotland 1991; FFARCSI Dublin, Ireland 1996; FANZCA 2002; Paediatric Anaesthetic Fellowship, WCH, Adelaide 1998-1999 Dr. Fiona Russell is a Generalist Anaesthetist with a special interest in breast surgery, cosmetic surgery, ENT, gynaecology surgery and plastic reconstructive surgery. Dr. Russell moved to NZ in 1999, with her husband, after working as a Paediatric Anaesthetic and Research Fellow at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Adelaide. Outside of anaesthesia, she enjoys spending time with her family and outdoors exploring New Zealand.


專科麻醉科醫生 / 专科麻醉科医生

MBChB 蘇格蘭鄧迪大學 1991年;FFARCSI 愛爾蘭都柏林 1996年;FANZCA 2002年;兒科麻醉學獎學金,阿德萊德婦女及兒童醫院 1998-1999年

MBChB 苏格兰邓迪大学 1991年;FFARCSI 爱尔兰都柏林 1996年;FANZCA 2002年;儿科麻醉学奖学金,阿德莱德妇女及儿童医院 1998-1999年

Dr. Graham Knottenbelt

Specialist Anaesthetist

Dr. Graham Knottenbelt is a specialist anaesthetist who works across the Starship Hospital Auckland District Health Board and is a partner at Epsom Anaesthesia Partnership Private Practice. He has a strong interest and high volume of practice in airway and ENT anaesthesia. Dr. Graham has been a specialist anaesthetist for the last 15 years and has gained his qualifications in Johannesburg, South Africa and continued anaesthetic training in Melbourne, Glasgow and Bristol in UK.


專科麻醉科醫生 / 专科麻醉科医生

霍爾醫生現於Gillies醫院及Manukau區醫院服務。如需預約諮詢,請致電 (09) 281-2963 或透過網上預約系統進行預約。

霍尔医生现于Gillies医院及Manukau区医院服务。如需预约咨询,请致电 (09) 281-2963 或通过网上预约系统进行预约。


Nurse Becky Leong

Registered Nurse

Becky is a compassionate Registered Nurse with over 19 years of experience, dedicated to patient-centered care. Passionate about supporting clients throughout their health journey, she brings expertise in managing chronic and acute conditions, with leadership roles as a Nurse Specialist, Becky is committed to ensuring clients feel heard, respected, and well-cared for at every step. At Dr. Francis Hall’s clinic, Becky strives to provide the highest quality care with a personal touch, making a meaningful difference in each client’s experience.


Becky是一位拥有逾19年临床经验的专业注册护士,始终秉持以病人为先的服务理念。她具备出色的专业技能和丰富的实践经验,擅长护理慢性病和急症患者。作为专科护士,Becky善于倾听,尊重每位患者的需求。在Francis Hall诊所工作期间,她以精益求精的态度,凭借专业和温暖的服务,使每位患者感受到如家般的关怀。


Becky是一位擁有逾19年臨床經驗的專業註冊護士,始終秉持以病人為先的服務理念。她具備出色的專業技能和豐富的實踐經驗,擅長護理慢性病和急症患者。作為專科護士,Becky善於傾聽,尊重每位患者的需求。在Francis Hall診所工作期間,她以精益求精的態度,憑藉專業和溫暖的服務,使每位患者感受到如家般的關懷。

Rebecca Marshall

Practice Manager

Rebecca has for the last 7 + years, been a master multitasker at running two, busy Head and Neck and ENT practices. She is an Enrolled Nurse with over 30 years experience and previously managed a boutique aged care facility and dementia unit, and worked in a public hospital, general surgical ward.

She has a passion for problem solving and for providing wrap-around care for patients and assisting those who wish to know more about a healthy microbiome, to strengthen their own immune system.

Her warmth and understanding of how to help people navigate scary surgery or procedures and appointments, will make your consultation or surgical experience much easier than you were expecting.




Dr. Hall works at Gillies Hospital and Counties Manukau DHB. To arrange for a consultation with Dr. Hall, contact us on (09) 281-2963 or book an appointment online.